Movie Days

This is one of the most innovative and fun theatres I ever dreamed up. Then I got to build it. It was called the Northrock 14. It originally was next door to the original Northrock theatres in Wichita, Kansas. The reversed style auditorium was a concept that came to me when I was at a workshop in a live performance theatre. As you can see the projector is in the center of the auditorium and has a large glass window showing off the equipment inside much like the old Imax theatres use to do. The auditorium is backwards in that the wide part of the room is at the front and the small end at the back. It isn’t a box. It’s also backwards from a conventional live theatre auditorium.

Big Brutus

I took this photo several years ago while on a road trip with two of my girls. I’d always wanted to see this monster but not something you do with the wife and kids in the car. Big Brutus. You know the road trips I use to take with my kids are some of the most precious memories I have. I have eight children so to spend three or for days with just one or two was a wonderful way to connect.


Kansas City is known as the “City of Fountains” and it is but I like to explore the hundreds of statues placed all over the city.

Frank A. Fiorini 1934-2012

The world has lost another great man. On March 7th Frank A. Fiorini passed away. Up to the end of his life he served the homeless of Kansas City with a passion. I’d only known Frank for the last 3 years and I’m a richer man for it. He was a funny, driven, cantankerous man who […]

Limited Edition