Up too Late on Christmas Eve

FlyLast night I went to see Frozen with two of my daughters. Got home about midnight a bit wired so I sat down and wrote and edited on The Robin Randle Stories. Next thing I know it’s 3 AM! Wow. Now today I’m still working on Robin’s little story but need to call it a day. It is Christmas.

The update is, Robin’s getting close to finished. Some of the transitional scenes near the end are giving me fits but hey, that’s what writings all about. Right? Never give up, Never surrender. You just keep going till the damn thing’s beat you to death! By the way, this photo here is one I took flying to New York in 2005 I think. Just found it and it spoke to me. Post production time on this photograph, three hours. Just sayin’. Oh, and if you want to be a writer, make sure pounding criticism is one of those things that doesn’t bother you.

I wish everyone a wonderful Christmas. Let the light of God’s love shine in your heart.
